Thursday, June 3, 2010


One of my favourite musical artists is Everlast. I have been listening to him for 3 or 4 years now, after my cousin introduced me to his music. His music is probably alot different to what most people listen to, as he is classified as blues/rock/country-rap. Alot of his songs are very well written, and have some sort of meaning to them. One of my favourite songs by him is Put Your Lights On, a song he did with Carlos Santana. He wrote this song after a heart attack, and realized how much life means. Another song that I think has alot of meaning to it is What It's Like, which basically is saying that you don't know what it's like unless you've been through it yourself. I like Everlast alot because of his wide range of songs. He sings songs that are sad and slow, but also songs that are upbeat. I think Everlast is a really good artist because of the content of his albums. White Trash Beautiful was an album he released in 2004, and alot of the songs are slow and meaningful, while Love, War, and the Ghost of Whitey Ford, which was released in 2008, has alot more upbeat songs and fun songs, and even has a cover he did of Johnny Cash's Folsom Prison Blues. I also think he is a great artist because of his ability to cover many types of music. He was part of the group House Of Pain, which released the very popular 1992 single Jump Around, and is now in the musical group La Coka Nostra, which is a hip-hop group. I would say that Everlast is an amazing artist because of his talent, and how he shyed away from the typical types of music you would hear everyday. Also, at almost 41 years old, he is still successful and still making music with La Coka Nostra.

Songs I would recommend:
What It's Like
Put Your Lights On
Black Jesus
Stone In My Hand
Lonely Road

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Big Lebowski

The Dude and The Big Lebowski are two very different people, who have alot of differences. The Big Lebowski is very concerned and cares alot about the status of his wealth, while The Dude could care less about how much money he has. They both also differ when it comes to how presentable they make themselves. The Dude is very laid back, and doesn't really care about how people see him or what they think of him. The Big Lebowski is the complete opposite, and wears nice clothes and lives in a massive house, and cares what people think of him and is quite materialistic. They both differ when it comes to their emotions. The Dude is very content with life, and always seems to have a go-with-the-flow type of attitude, while The Big Lebowski is always very angry and seems very unhappy all the time.

The two men, who are very different in many ways, also have some similarities. They both are "poor" in a sense. Also, they both are very strongly opinionated, and not afraid to say what's on their mind. They both have women who are dominant in their lives, like Maude. Maude is The Big Lebowski's daughter, and The Dude refers to her as his "lady friend" and is trying to help her concieve. Also, Bunny Lebowski is pretty dominant in The Big Lebowski's life.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I believe that media is pretty important in my life. I think that without the media, I wouldn't know much, or even anything, about celebrities or music or anything like that. The media keeps me informed and always introduces me to new types of music and movies that I may enjoy.

A type of media I feel most passionate about is music. I enjoy many different types of music, and also play acoustic guitar. I would also say that I am interested in movies. I usually watch 1-2 movies a week and would like to learn more about what goes into making a film. TV is another type of media that I like, because of the wide variety of shows and different types of programs available to watch.

I think that there are good points and bad points to modern popular culture. I believe that the easier that new technology is making it for people to communicate, the better. I don't really dislike any elements of popular culture, because it makes life more interesting. I use the media for entertainment, but also for homework, or looking up different things.

I think that I have a strong, passionate connection to music. I like a wide variety of music. One of my favourites to listen to are the Beatles. I love the Beatles because they have so many different types of songs. I like that some of their music makes you think, like "Being For the Benefit of Mr. Kite", because to me, it makes no sense at all, and I always try to find out if the lyrics have any meaning behind them. I think I have a strong connection to music because I've been playing guitar since I was 12. I love the way acoustic music sounds. I always choose acoustic music over any other type. I love music because, as most people do, I can relate to alot of songs, and can listen to songs that go along with the way I'm feeling, and can also change my mood. One of my favourite songs of all time is Everchanging by Rise Against. To me, this song has alot of meaning behind its lyrics. I also love the way the acoustic guitar is played in this song.